Statement on Vaccination
We encourage all students to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19
Yoga is a physical activity and we practice in a private space with little or no natural air flow so we must take additional precautions to reduce the risk to our staff and students. Since the emergence of COVID-19 in early 2020 the safety and welfare of our staff and students has been our priority.
In addition to reducing maximum class numbers to increase space between students, the team at Naked Yoga will be implementing a range of further controls such as HEPA Air Filtering, temperature testing and additional cleaning, but one way that we can all protect each other is to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
We accept the health advice that vaccines lower the risks of getting COVID-19 or becoming seriously ill or dying due to COVID-19. We accept the health advice that vaccines reduce the risk of transmitting COVID-19 to others and that with a greater number of people in the community being protected it makes it harder for the disease to spread. We also accept that others may have a different view.
However, we accept and respect that the decision to be vaccinated, or not, belongs to each person and we honour that decision with compassion and kindness.
The yamas and niyamas of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras are suggestions for how we interact with the external world and how to treat ourselves. Ahimsa is one of the five yamas and teaches us non-violence and doing no harm in physical, mental and emotional forms. Ahimsa cultivates compassion, develops love for self and others, and helps to achieve peace of mind.
Protecting each other from COVID-19 is one way we believe we can practice ahimsa by doing no physical harm. We want our students to have peace of mind that we are doing everything possible to protect their health. Having compassion and respect in a non-judgmental way for each other’s views and decisions is another way that we can all practice ahimsa.
We will continue to monitor health advice and review our policy..